Exclusive Finals Coverage

The fall finals season kicked off Thursday with a strong showing on the Entrepreneurship exam, 97.8, which gives me a solid A on everything in the class.

The semester grade is pending my business plan, due this Thursday.

Then, bright and early this morning, came the main event, the Intercultural Communication final.

Despite a whole 2 hours of studying Sunday night, early setbacks were daunting: precious study/sleep time was lost due to a poorly-timed fire alarm in a freshman dorm late Sunday night. Also, procrastination is believed to have been a factor.

I awoke bright and early* this morning to read two pages on business communication in China, arriving at the exam a few minutes late, even without the usual shower.
I felt good at the end, but I knew I'd missed more than a couple questions. I felt I'd earned a B on the exam and for the semester, which seemed fair given the amount of effort I put in.

Tonight's results:
91.2% on the INTL final, for a decent A, about 10% beyond my expectations.

In a decidedly magical and possibly miraculous series of events, this bumped me up to 450 points out of a possible 500.

That's right.


Or as it says on the transcript:

A .

School: 0.

Ethan: 1.

School is expected to suffer a crushing defeat on Wednesday at the Machine Shop Practices final.

Yes, this is a personal blog sometimes.

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