Summer Volunteering Vacation

For 6 weeks this summer I'll be volunteering for AIDG in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

I'll be creating documentation for the Pelton wheel micro-hydroelectric generator that their incubated business XelaTeco designed, built, and installed. The documentation I work on will be published on the internets for other NGOs to use and improve upon (open-source, yo).

So I'll be MIA from the end of June to the beginning of August, and then I'll be graduating.

I'm reading Bitter Fruit to prepare. Before Iran and Iraq, Guatemala was the US' first experiment in ousting a supposedly-threatening leader.

Fun fact:
Apparently, in order to be president of Guatemala in the 40s/50s, your last name had to begin with "Ar": Arevalo, Arbenz, Armas, probably not in that order. Two of these guys had the other one killed, but as to which was which, I wasn't paying enough attention.

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