shopping for schools

This is going to be slightly outside the official topic of this blog, but it's definitely connected.
I'm about to enter my second year at the Corcoran College of Art + Design, which at times feels as pretentious as it sounds. I was originally planning to major in Photojournalism, but partly because of the project chronicled herein, my interests have shifted towards Industrial Design. Problem is, Corcoran doesn't offer said major, and lacks a few things I'd need to study it on my own.

So I've set out to look for a place to transfer to, without much success. I've looked at community colleges, trade schools, engineering-focused universities, and other art colleges, but can't find anything with the right combination of small, practical, and technical. I like the artsy-ness of Corcoran, but I'd like to have access to a broader range of facilities and courses.

This project has really changed my way of thinking about my future. It's the thing I've worked the hardest on in a long time. I hope my passion for it is evident in the words preserved here.

I've re-discovered a love of working with my hands, of making stuff, and making it my way. I used to do this kind of thing as a kid--finding wood to whittle into little boats and such--but it feels so much different and so much greater now that I'm doing it as a project, with research, organization, paperwork, all over the course of months, rather than a Sunday afternoon spent whittling. I hunger to learn more skills like these, skills I might not even know exist yet. That's just it: I don't want to study...I want to learn to do things.

If this rings a bell, or if you know of a place like I describe, or whatever, shoot me a note: ethan theatsymbol

So far I've looked at:
Rochester Institute of Technology (looked great but too big; also, lake effect snow)
Rhode Island School of Design (current favorite, but I'd have to wait a year to transfer)
Wentworth Institute of Technology (looks promising; website not so hot)
Parsons The New School for Design
The Pratt Institute (don't know much yet about these two)

1 comment:

jim g said...

I feel your pain. I majored in mechanical engineering in college because I wanted to learn the hows and whys of making things, and it wasn't until halfway through my senior year that I realized -- as you aptly put it -- I wanted to "learn to do things" vs. "study". I graduated (barely) and got my BS, but the curriculum I studied (cough: endured) was mostly book-learnin' and didn't really give the skills to *create* anything. Turned us into typical engineers who'd design something that machinists would probably scoff at. At any rate, I do web-programming/engineering work now, the web saved my life in 1995 and I guess I like what I do because I "make" stuff vs. pushing theories around. If I had it to do over again, industrial arts and design is what I'd probably like to study. I went to a college-prep high school and as a result, wasn't even *aware* that vocational/trade schools or similar "hands-on schooling" were an option for continuing education!